Friday, August 31, 2012

Last full day at home!

So, today marks my last full day at home. I had a lot of things to do and I think I pushed my foot to the limit of walking today, which is not a very high limit I might add. I finally forced myself to pack, which is something I am still working on/actually my mom is still working on, as this is being written. I got the essentials packed though so I feel very relieved about that. Packing was the biggest thing hanging over my head.
 I got a pedicure today, which maybe wasn't such a good idea, but my toes look a lot better now and they were really nice in there. They didn't touch my left side of my foot at all, which is the part that is broken. I broke the 5th metatarsal for any anatomy buffs out there. If you don't know anatomy its basically the third bone up from the baby toe. I think today was the ugliest/most disgusting my foot has looked in the past three days also. Even my toes were swollen up into blue little sausages. Yuck. 
Besides the pedicure and packing my day mainly consisted of napping and watching t.v. intermittedly. Pretty boring but I got to spend a lot of time with my little muffin, Sophie (my dog). Shes old and I think she's pretty sick, so I just hope she makes it until I get back from Spain. I wish my foot wasn't hurt so I could walk her one last time before I go :(
I went out to dinner with the rents tonight too which was nice. My meal was kinda bad so I just ended up eating gelato and bread.... and then cake when we got home....a healthy, balanced diet of simple carbohydrates. But it was all delish so I can't complain.    
My dad got me one "present" for my birthday or something. He tried to give me a fanny pack to bring with me to Spain but I rejected it and he got all mad. He also had to brillant idea of me using a cane while I am there instead of crutches. He was very passionate about that idea, and I was not gonna have it. The boot is already embarassing enough and i'd rather hobble than look like a 90 year old when im only 20. 
 Tomorrow i'll write the nostalgic summer post, but tonight, I'm not sad or reflective. Just still trying to throw everything together so I have less to do tomorrow. and p.s. below are some pics of the fam. 

fam minus two siblings

the girls

me and my baby <3

Thursday, August 30, 2012

preparing to leave

It's two days before I leave! And i am still not packed...I find packing to be difficult no matter what the situation, but going somewhere I've never been for 3.5 months, I'm having especially more troubles. I feel like I have a trillion little things to do before I go but at the same time I feel decently prepared. Im not nervous about leaving, I feel ready to go mentally, just not physically (with the packing situation) and my recent badly timed foot injury.
Two nights ago I missed a step on my stairs in the middle of the night and fell down the stairs and landed on my foot. It was slightly embarassing yet also painful because my foot is now swollen, bruised and blue. I can't really walk on it, I've been using crutches and hobbling around the past two days, and I went to the doctor today and they confirmed that it is broken :( Terrible timing. But it is my first broken bone ever, thats something I guess. So now I'm wearing a boot 24/7 (even in my sleep...blah) for the next three to four weeks. The thing is pretty friken heavy and I'm still learning how to walk in it but its an experience.
So that has been the highlight and lowlight of my day. Id post a picture of my me with my boot but im too tired so sorry, its not happening today. For now, I'm just gonna watch T.V. with my dog and try to be immobile as long as possible. Its an exciting life. Until next time....